The last three days we rented a car and headed up to the Galilee, to the coast, and back towards Jerusalem. Josh did great driving while only getting honked at 9 times the entire 3 days. We had an interesting experience in Tiberius where we staying in a hostel with 2 random french guys in a four person room. It was a very sketching experience and we shook on it never to go back to Tiberius again! The second night we stayed on the beach right next to Cesarea. It was great to take a day off, hang at the beach, have a bonfire, and sleep next to the Mediterranean Sea.
It was awesome having Josh here for the past 10 days. I am very grateful that he had the chance to break from work and home and could come visit me. It was great giving him a tour around Israel and sharing with him the wonderful experience that I am having! Big thanks to Jen for allowing him to come and shouldering the boys while he was gone! Your awesome Jen!!!
School is winding down and we are finding ourselves in finals week! We only have three more days of class here in Israel and then we are done! People are beginning to pack and getting ready to leave. We are finding ourselves still busy studying for tests and fitting time hanging out with everyone before we have to say goodbye. Before we know it we will be on the plane heading to Germany! Hard to believe that is only 11 days away!
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