Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here are some pictures from the field study!

Mark and I in front of Jerusalem
Mark washing Krystal's feet in the Herodian.
Mark and I up on a pillar in the Herodian.
The new theater they just found at the Herodian.
Looking in a hole in the road, we tend to do this a lot!
The NWC group!


  1. Sweet pics. Thanks for posting them. Every time you post - I can't wait to see and read.

    Josh Mulvihill

  2. Hey you three, sounds like you are having a blast. You are missed here, but we are jealous we aren't there!!
    Love you!
    The other Mulvihills-Jake, Amy, Drew and Matthew

  3. Your posts are sweet. I love reading them. So you saw Herod's tomb and a new theater! I was thinking the other day, maybe you should become the next director of JUC! You could teach, study, do archaeology, and hike. The only bad part is you would not be by us family. I so badly want to be studying and seeing and smelling and feeling and tasting what you are. Thanks for the updates. Take good notes for me:)

