Yesterday was our first day of classes here at JUC. We started them with much excitement due to the fact that they are all Bible classes and our classroom is Israel. Our classes over the past few days have included Physical settings of the Bible, Jewish thought, Islamic thought, Hebrew, and 2nd temple period. The classes are very interesting and don't have too much homework besides quite a bit of reading. We have a wide variety of teachers ranging from the director of JUC, to professors at Hebrew University, and even to a rabbi. Its awesome!
Besides starting classes we have had a couple chances the past 2 days to head off on our own and get around Jerusalem a little bit. Yesterday Chris and I went and looked at the Garden Tomb and then went and found the old Essene Gate. Today a group of us guys went to a catholic church that Mary supposedly "fell asleep" at, then we headed over to the mount of olives to watch the sun set over Jerusalem. The land here in Jerusalem is awesome and the more I am here the more i love it!
I bet that was sweet to see the sun set over Jerusalem. Write down all the sweet places we should we go.
Great pictures...I think Mark's ears don't quite look so big in Jerusalem.