Today a group of 12 of us went to Tel Aviv and Jaffa. Tel Aviv is pretty much straight south of us and Jaffa is right next to that.
We arrived in Tel Aviv at about 1:00 and headed straight for the beach. It was a beautiful beach with an awesome view of the city behind us. Unfortunately the weather was a little chilly as well was the water so we didn’t get to go swimming but instead we hung out and threw the Frisbee for awhile.
After that we walked about a mile over to Jaffa. Jaffa was the main port city that led to Jerusalem and was actually one of the first ports on the Mediterranean. Jaffa was the location that Jonah hopped on a ship sailing to Tarsis when he tried to run from God, and also Peter was here when he had his vision of the sheet coming down from heaven with animals on it and God told him to take and eat. So it was theoretically the place where God first said that salvation was available to Gentiles. Pretty cool! The house that peter was at when he was that vision is actually still here and we were able to go walk by but couldn’t go in because an Armenian family actually lives in it, but nonetheless it was sweet.
After that we got to go out to dinner and then we head back to JUC, all in all it was a pretty sweet day. Tomorrow we are heading out for a field study around Jerusalem and it should be a pretty sweet day of study with Dr. Wright.
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