Its about 5 pm here in Jerusalem and it was quite a treat waking up and walking out to see Jerusalem. Our plane rides yesterday went pretty well. Our first one was delayed about and hour which gave us a

bout 5 minutes to get to our next flight in Chicago but thankfully our gate was right next to where we landed. We arrived in Israel at about 3 pm and all were feeling pretty good because we slept our entire 3rd flight.
we were able to spend some time working on our maps that are due in a couple days.

once we arrived we took a taxi bus called a sherut that took us to JUC. Once we arrived we were greeted by Dr. Paul Wright who took us to our rooms and Chris gave us a little tour of the place. The college isn't that big but its really cool. Its weird because you open doors to go

places and suddenly you will be outside. The weather here is beautiful its around 50 and feels wonderful!
After heading down to dinner and eating we came back up and unpack our stuff and got settled in. After that 8 of us went for a little walk around the new city.
The coolest thing is our room its amazing!

we have a pretty good sized

room with 3 bunk beds and 3 desks, but the coolest thing is that we are on the roof. Like literally on the roof. You have to walk out onto the roof to get to our room. It provides and amazing view of the city and keeps us nice and cool with the breeze.
Today will be filled with orientation. We will be learning how everything works and getting ready to start classes. Crazy to think we are finally here!